Our study guides are the result of many years of revision course teaching, discovering the best way to deliver information to students preparing to take their exams. The guides are regularly updated with input from experienced IB teachers and subject-specific experts. We think that our study guides are the best available. Furthermore, due to our belief in the open education movement, digital study guides are available to everyone for free!
Have a look on the page with all our free resources!
If you find our guides useful, you can support us by telling your friends where to find our study guides, by buying a hard copy of our guides or by signing up for one of our revision courses.
Please note that not all subjects are available yet, but we are working hard to get them ready for you soon. Any study guides purchased in December, will be send out in January of 2025. Delivery is handled by your local postal service and as such delays may occur depending on location. Shipping rates depend on location.